Back2School webinar programme 2022

Within the framework of the European “Lifelong Learning” policy, our organisation IBE-BIV (Belgian Illumination Institute) offers you in 2022 a Back2School (B2S) webinar programme consisting of 5 monthly sessions each time taking place on Thursday from 9am until 10 am via Zoom.
This webinar programme is meant for our members and for anyone who wants to improve his or her basic knowledge on lighting in an easy and approachable way.
The target audience is very broad and can include professionals who have been active in the sector for years as well as employees that are starters in the lighting sector.
B2S webinar 1 : 27th January 2022 from 9am – 10am
Helderheid van een lichtbron. Hoe en waarom?
Lecturer : Peter Hanselaer, KU Leuven – NL
- Hoogleraar KU Leuven , Faculteit Industrieel Ingenieur, Technologiecampus Gent.
- Oprichter van Labo voor Lichttechnologie.
- Docent fotonica, glasvezelcommunicatie en verlichtingsmetrologie.
- Editor CIE Divisie1
- Academisch Beheerder KU Leuven Oost-Vlaanderen.

B2S webinar 2 : 24th February 2022 from 9am – 10am
Verblinding : types en visuele beoordeling
Lecturer : Valéry Ann Jacobs , VUB – NL
• Professor in Lighting aan VUB
• Master in Astronomy and Astrophysics aan KU Leuven
• PhD in Engineering Technology aan KU Leuven
• PhD in Engineering Sciences aan VUB
• Policy advisor on wellbeing aan VUB
• Member of Superior Health Council Belgium

B2S webinar 3 : 31st March 2022 from 9am – 10am
ipRGCs et influences de la lumière sur la santé
Lecturer : Gilles Vandewalle, ULiège – FR
- Sleep & Chronobiology Lab, GIGA-Cyclotron Research Centre-In Vivo Imaging (GIGA-CRC-IVI), Uliège
- Master in Biology, Uliège and Master in Sciences, University of Surrey, UK.
- Doctoral and postdoctoral research work, FNRS
- FNRS Research associate at Uliège since 2010

B2S webinar 4 : 28th April 2022 from 9am – 10am
Visual comfort in buildings.
Lecturer : Sergio Altomonte, UCL – EN
- Professor of Architectural Physics at UCL
- Head of Louvain research institute for Lanscape, Architecture, Built Environment (LAB)
- Director of research group Architecture and Climate at UCL
- Specific expertise on human responses to (day)lighting to support visual and non-visual processes.

B2S webinar 5 : 2nd June 2022 from 9am – 10am
Mesures photométriques en laboratoire et sur site.
Lecturer : Jean-Michel Deswert, Laborelec – EN
- Since 2006, active at Laborelec in the lighting domain
- Responsible for the Lighting & Metrology activities at Laborelec
- Belgian representative in CIE Division 2 “Physical Measurement of Light and Radiation”
Lecturer : Jonas Van den Schoor , Laborelec – NL
- Expert in indoor and outdour lighting
- Lighting laboratory manager at Laborelec
- Specific expertise in :
- photometric measurements,
- photobiological safety,
- LED lifetime testing
- Ecodesign

Structure of each webinar :
A fixed structure is used for each webinar, indicating the amount of time that can be spent on each of the content areas:
- Introduction of the speaker by IBE-BIV (2 min)
- Brief introduction of the lecturer’s research group and research topics (5 min)
- Presentation of the webinar’s topic
- Short presentation of current research results (5 min)
- Questions and answers (10 min)
Price per series of 5 webinars :
- For members : 90 euro (excl VAT) per registration. As from a third subscription for the same company you pay 70 euro (excl VAT) for the whole package.
- For non-members: 180 euro (excl VAT) per registration. As from a third registration for the same company you pay 145 euro (excl VAT) for the whole package.
Recording & presentation :
Each webinar is recorded and will be made available on our website so that you can watch and listen to it at a later stage.
Also the presentation will be available in pdf format.
Language :
Every lecturer speaks his own language. Presentations will be available in English.
Terms of registration :
- Regardless of the number of webinars you wish to attend, you pay for the entire series of 5 webinars. You do not have to register per webinar, but you register once for the entire series. One subscription is sufficient to receive a login code for all webinars.
- After your registration you will automatically receive a confirmation with a link to follow the webinars (so you use the same link for the 5 webinars).
- Once you have registered, an invoice will be sent to you using the billing details you provided on the registration form.
- If we receive several registrations from people of the same company, a discount will be granted as from the 3rd registration (see also prices above).
- One invoice per company will be sent, mentioning the persons registered.
- An invoice will be sent for each registration, even if the person does not participate at the time of the webinar. The invoice remains payable!
Registration :
After observing the above-mentioned modalities, you can register via below button.